Welcome to my web site!
I'm Lucie Verdet, a French artist based in Copenhagen. Sculptures are my long lasting passion. I'm inspired by faces, bodies and the grace that lies in every person, which is what I try to capture.
Flowers, dance, vibrant colors, homes inspire my paintings.
I do commissioned works so please don't hesitate to ask if you want a portrait of your child, house or favorite pet .
I have an atelier/gallery in Copenhagen at Livjægergade 24, it 's open when I'm working (usually on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays from ca.10-16) or by appointment (send me a message on +4551507318)
I do workshops in my studio regularly (look on my Instagram @lucieverdet or write me an email for more info). I will show you how to use clay (modelling techniques) and produce your first sculpture! Beginners are welcome.
It's possible to organise a private workshop in my studio or in another location